We're Raising Money To Re-wild Australian Rainforests
Did you know that over 50% of the worlds forests are destroyed and every 1.2 seconds we are losing an area of forest the size of a football field?
That's why in April, May and June this year we are super excited to partner with Jimmy and Jessica from Half Cut to help raise money to plant native trees and save Australian animal habitats from destruction through sales of our Outback animal toys and native print dog beds and covers.

Just purchase one of our Outback toys or Australian bush print dog beds and 10% from every sale will be donated to Half Cut to help them reach their goal over the next 3 years to establish 1 million rainforest trees in Australia, Indonesia and India. These trees will help re-wild much needed habitat for wildlife, people, climate and our planet. Over 30 years the goal is to plant 1 trillion trees which will absorb the last 30 years of C02 emissions. Amazing!

Check out the full story of Jimmy and Jessica's Half Cut journey here
Want to run your own fundraiser for Half Cut? Join their 30 day PSS challenge, do 30 push ups, squats or sits ups a day and help raise money for this amazing cause.
You can donate directly to the Outback Tails fundraising page here or just purchase one of our Outback Animal toys and 10% of the sale will be donated to the charity at the end of each month in April, May and June.
Together we can all make a difference to the future of Australian wildlife.