3 ways to live a less toxic life with your pet
We should all be conscious of living a less toxic life to benefit ourselves, our families and the environment. Here are our top tips for living a less toxic life with your dog as well.

Tip 1: Be careful using pesticides in your yard and garden
Most spray-on pesticides are irritants for dogs if they come into contact with them. They can cause them to drool, feel nauseous, vomit and/or have diarrhea.
It’s easier to avoid your dog contacting garden pesticides, but it’s harder for those that are sprayed on grass (like weed killers) but there are natural alternatives that work just as well as the poisonous herbicides.
How to avoid problems: Make sure your dog isn’t around when you are spraying your pesticides. Keep them inside until the chemicals are well and truly dry. You should also make sure that you don’t get any of the pesticide on any of their outdoor toys or bowls.
Tip 2: Buy only non-toxic toys for your dog
Unfortunately, some dog toys on the market contain harmful toxins. For example, some plastic chew toys contain chemicals to make them soft and durable that are actually harmful to dogs. Outback Tails toys are all made from natural plant materials and coloured with chemical free dyes so they are safer for your dog to chew on and play with.

Tip 3: Keep your dog’s sleeping area away from your WiFi
WiFi is a form of radiation. If your dog sleeps close to your WiFi router, they may spend a lot of time next to it, which isn’t ideal from a health perspective. Their bodies are much smaller than our bodies, so the impact of unnecessary prolonged exposure to WiFi is higher.
Tip 4: Detox your dog
Toxins are all around us in the modern world. Varying amounts of toxins are in the food we eat, the liquids we drink and the air we breathe. Just like humans can benefit from a detox every once in a while, so too can dogs.
Ways that you can ensure your furry friend has a doggy detox include:
- having a lighter feeding day one day a week or fortnight. It gives their digestive system a break.
- feeding your dog liver. This will help your dog’s liver to function better. It’s a crucial organ in canines just like it is in humans. A high-functioning liver helps the body to detox.
- ensuring your dog always has plenty of fresh water. This will help your buddy’s kidney to function effectively. Just like in humans, the canine kidney flushes toxins out of a dog’s body.
- giving your dog food that contains probiotics. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that help with gut health. A healthy gut helps dogs to poop out harmful toxins.
- regularly brushing your dog’s coat. Aim to remove dead skin cells and air that can get in the way of toxins being expelled from the body through your dog’s coat.

About Us
At Outback Tails, we have a range of eco aware and socially responsible dog products featuring the work of renowned Indigenous artists, including:
- Non toxic dog toys,
- dog bed covers for ‘upcycling’,
- oilskin dog coats,
- natural leather collars and leads.